28 July 2007

As much as I can say

Lately, I have been thinking about Guatemala City. I have been there a few times visiting my aspiring doctor brother. That city fascinates me. There is something thrilling about the danger, that the fact that your wallet, phone, or life can be taken at any moment when you are on the street. The complicated bus system, the hustle the bustle, the fast, hurried, shouted Spanish that I can't understand for the life of me. The air is cooler there than in the Maya Mountains in Belize. The traffic is constant, loud, and dangerous. Even though my brother doesn't have a lot time to "walk" with me, have only been to the mall and other stores in hurried outings (with men, too, making it harder to savor), I take it all in. The whole city makes my heart beat to a new tune, and makes me want to breath deeply (is it the pollution or the joy of it?).

Funny, because I have always been a country girl. No not honky-tonk, but.... rural. Even when I lived in California the nearest stop light was about a 2 hour drive away. I lived in the woods outside a small town in a rural county. The cities had no place in my childhood. They were for Mom's court dates, the college student I only knew of, and the movies. Sure, I live in San Ignacio Town, a busy town full about to burst its seams if it wore pants, but El Cayo (as it is known as) is far from a city. It is a story book town where most people know or have at least seen each other before. Tourism makes it a little more unconventional, but there is still a time when the streets are quiet and the town usually sleeps after ten o'clock.

I am happy with the smallest. It is a part of me. I love the thriving, close knit, clannish of it. There is so much potential as things grow, people learn, and thoughts are raised up. I am not saying that I am satisfied with the smallest. No, I like to watch it grow. I know that I am a part of it, even though I am I failure as a sixth form student, a rooky as a teacher, an alien as a Belizean, and an empty cup as a human being. I am still a part of it and as I grow, it grows with me. Sure, I may have to cut it off and let it grow separate from me in some far away day. But right now, I am breathing and its lungs are moving. I love the smallest because it grows with me, just a Billy, the neighbour grew with me. The potential excites my soul.


Leonardo Melendez said...

Calm and moody. Nice write up. Perhaps your most informative.

I'm going to Guatemala for a week next month. Thanks for the whisper. I won't take anything, not even soap.

Vicky said...

Its nice how u described my now home-town. I like my quiet hometown too, somehow there is always something to do ;)

As for Guatemala, I've never made it further than Melchor. To be honest I'm afraid to travel those roads.. due to friend's experiences!

But someday I sure will overcome this fear.. when I'm ready to die.

Beth said...

Vicky blogs! I am so happy about that! Now I can get to know my friend-former boss in a whole new way.

In Guate, Leo, if you are every walking around, when you get lost (it will happen, that City is BIG and amazing and a little confusing) never stop to think about your way. Either find a small dinner and buy a soft drink or something to think about your way, or walk around in the block. NEVER backtrack in your path.... it makes you a target

carrie said...

this is wonderful wonderful writing. i really enjoyed reading it and it created a definite mood
what is the food situation there? what kind of foods do people eat, mostly? i just want to know, since every culture has its staple foods, right? my paintings are about american foods.

Beth said...

In Guatemala it is all about black beans and white salty cheese or creme, thin, cream make locally. Of course the City is a lot more advance and has most of all the chain food restaurants that I can be found elsewhere.

Belize, while we enjoy a variety of food. But rice and beans with stew chicken and some sort of salad on the side is definitely the most common meal. I never seen rice and beans cooked the way they do it in Belize anywhere else. It is great.

Helbaby said...

Danger,what danger...I actually felt safe seeing a gunned security guard by practically every shop's entrance. I wish I got to see more of Guate when I went up to get my wisdom teeth extracted. I'd do it again if I had the time... Not the extraction, just the going. I really wanted to go see the volcano... it looked nice from the MeliĆ”, OMG I want some salty cheese...haven't had that since I dated a Nica...Why is it that Belize doesn't have salty cheese?

Daniel H. Schluckebier said...

Beth: "I am I failure as a sixth form student, a rooky as a teacher, an alien as a Belizean, and an empty cup as a human being."

Beth, whats going on?

Don't be so hard on urself, I know you have a pinch of warrior in you so don't bow as yet...

Pick that chin up and fight!!!

If you make it to Guats, please take a shot of tequila to boost u up;then read the Bible...

Beth said...

Helbaby, Guatemala is dangerous. Buses run over people, stores get held up, people get kidnapped all the time. Even though security guards are known to turn to crime.

Danny, you misunderstood me. I said all of that basically to show that I am an empty plate with a life of growing and changing and learning ahead of me. I didn't me to sound depress, but realistic and hopeful. Sorry about that.