22 November 2007

Corn Prices

Hey Peeps...

My roommate is writing a paper about the rising corn prices in Belize. She has gone wild for the last week looking for anything that is considered information. I am now helping her and I invite you to join the search. Why is the corn price rising?


Admin said...

Just this weekend my dad told me corn is 26 cents a pound. Up from 13 cents a couple years ago. I think part of the reason is the increasing cost of growing corn. Fuel and fertilizer have doubled in the last couple of years. Parts for machinery and the price of steel are through the roof. The farmers were forced to unite in a cooperative and jack up the price.

I'm not to sure about the international issues affecting the price. Maybe corn is more expensive world wide. This could be caused by people in the US making ethanol from corn. This ethanol can be used instead of fuel.

Another short term reason is that for the last two years the corn crops have not been very good in Belize. This causes a shortage in corn.

Hope this helps. People from the Feed Mills and farmers in Spanish Lookout could probably give you more reasons. I'm not really up to date with farming issues anymore.

Tracy Tillett said...

the man knows his corn,

I don't know much, but I do know the price of corn has been rising. Heck, they now give you less tortillas for the same price.

I found an article that supports Martin's point about the increase due to the demand in ethanol production,
Ethanol Demand Threatens Food Prices
I didn't know that Mexico gets much of its corn from US.

Leonardo Melendez said...

Wait a minute. I know this one. Let me tell you why corn prices are rising.


And there you have it. Yep, that's why prices are rising. You'd have to see it for yourself.

coolingstar9 said...

I think is demand and supply, more and more corns are needed for the industry possbly due to recent oil price break the record about us$100, so people turn to corn make its price rising as well, due to shortage of supply, price will rise also. This is my thinking, I do not know right or not.

Beth said...


I told her all what you said and she took note of it. Thanx

Beth said...

Very funny Leo!