20 December 2009

What's there to be afaid of?

I wish I was the typical girl that I think typical girls are like. I was, I would tell you all about how I spent my Saturday night and I would go over the details and sigh here and there. But I am not. I have a silly fear of looking like a fool or being assumption. Funny how I am not shy enough to walk into a factory of guys to find something for a customer, or I am not afraid of people's harsh judgments, nor am I sacred of the future in the age of a world wide financial crisis, BUT I am terrified to express my thought about one person, in a blog that is all about expressing myself.

Afraid to express myself in a place that I built specially to express myself is a strange thing. I might have problems. The truth is, I am afraid to express myself to anyone about this certain thing nowadays. I don't think they would understand, and that their conclusions would hurt them. I am also afraid that expressing myself clearly to the right people would alter my life greatly. My alliances would change. The future would look bright but some how that scares me.

Someday those fears will ripped open and exposed. Then I would be released.


Domanick Fabro said...

very cryptic

Beth said...

It is suppose to be Dom, so that is good to know. You don't want to guess what I have been up to?