20 February 2013

I am not an Education Major

In 2010 I was afforded the opportunity to go back to school. Because I realized that I wasn't cutting it as a teacher, and I wasn't giving my students what they deserve, I should take a break. I love teaching and I love working with children, but I realized that there was something missing between what I wanted to do with my class and what was actually happening. After 4 years of trying to be a good teacher, I decided to go back to school. I wanted to study something else, to keep my options open. After receiving a prophet word and spending some time in prayer and thoughts about my likes and dislikes, I decided to pursue my BA in English, not continue down the road of pedagogy. In doing so, I am not closing the doors as a teacher, I am just focusing on other skills for a while.
The real reason why I am an English Major: I love reading!

Since the scholarship I received was exclusively for the University of Belize, my plan to study English worked, for the most part. At this University, English is part of a faculty called Education and Arts (FEA). Within the FEA there are three three departments 1. Education 2. English 3. History. Because the largest amount of enrolled students are Education majors (As an English major i had that phrase.... Education majors.... aren't all students in pursuing an education?). Because one can get an Educational degree in English (also called English Ed) I take many classes with persons aspiring to become High School English teachers. Fine. Good for them. What I dislike is when they trying to dumb down my degree. To clarify the difference between English Ed and English, they like to refer to students, such as myself, as Pure English. I dislike this because I am not a Pure English major. I am doing a minor in History. Pure English makes it sound like we are useless.
Yep... that sounds like me

Another thing that gets to me is events like today. Today UB is hosting a campus wide Opportunities Fair so that students can get a better grasp on events on and off campus, and learn about future educational and profession opportunities, and the university can advertise to potential students. The fair is very informative and is a good idea. I learn a lot whenever I attend the Opportunities Fair. What I did not like however is how my faculty misrepresented me. The FEA booth had much information promoting their Primary Ed and Secondary Ed programmes. Good for them. However, there was nothing at the booth mentioned about English and History. Not good. Ironically, the Primary and Secondary Ed programmes do not need any advertisements.  If one wants to be a teacher, they can attend. It is straightforward. More information is needed however, because a degree in History or English would be more ambiguous. "Why are you studying English," people often ask me, "To be a teacher?". Ugh. No. There are many reasons why a person might want to pursue a Bachelors degree in English or History. Let me state a few:

1. Interest
2.To teach higher levels of English or History
3. Set the foundation to earn a higher degree in something such as Law or Medicine or Diplomacy.
4.  Enter politics
5. Enter a profession that requires writing.
6. Public services
7 Representing a company with writing and verbal communications
8. Library and Archives work
9. Basically anyone who wants to be a thoughtful person, who wants to learn how to analyses cause and effect and perceptive should and can get a degree  in English and History

Since I want to go into creative and reflective writing, I am an English Major. I also found a new sense of purpose: I want to help decision makers and educators in my new community to protect their cultural rights, while assimilate into to the Belizean public. I want to be available to give advice on issues.  I want to help educate about social issues. While I do not see myself as a leader of any sort, I do what to effect change, and do so positively. I want to help others make informed and morally sound decisions. How am I going to do that? We will just have to find out as I live this life of mine and see what God has for me.

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