28 April 2008


After bring brought to my attention, I would like to apologize to all of the End Of the Street readers for the last post "the nice thing about me", posted Friday the 25th of April. The post was completely fictitious although it was inspired by several (maybe 6?) events that have happened in the last few weeks. It was birthed after a chat with an amateur artist of a different genre. I thought the piece was ambiguous was but it was brought to my attention that it can be see as offensive. Since the End of the Street is, to is foundation, meant to be friendly, and expressive, so that I, the writer can exchange friendly batter and maybe even develop into a writer that I might, maybe, someday be.

Also, understand, please that I don't take most criticism seriously. Events in my life at taught me that most critics are just "full of themselves". But I am not completely deaf to them. I take criticism with circumstantially importance.

For the record, I did not purpose to betray trust, point fingers, or expose anyone. It was purely an artist way of trying to talk about life, failures, and for the most part forgiveness.


Daniel H. Schluckebier said...

Beth, are you bored? I am thinking you are...

Domanick Fabro said...


Canopenner said...

I do not know what you are talking about but Im going to try and find out.