26 July 2009

Getting old (er)

I just realized that I am 23 and 1/2 years old. I am getting old. At this point of life the philosophies I formed as a teenager are being tested. About every day people ask me "are you still waiting for...." (for of the many things I am waiting for).

Yes I am still waiting. I wait for two reason:
1. Life is beautiful when things happen in God's timing.
2. Waiting build strength.

So I am still waiting.


Domanick Fabro said...

Pfft you still young!

Beth said...

Still young, yes but not as young as I used to be...

Leonardo Melendez said...

Ay Beth. You're a very rare breed. If you'd be living on earth in the B.C.s, you'd have a totally different mentality. Until that day comes, Godspeed.

A.J Matus said...

Sometimes waiting is not too good you know. Careful, you might thnk waitin is good, and then one day "BAM" its too late for certain things :) do what you have to do while you can, dont wait long

Caleb Ortega said...

Iam getting older as well iam 25 time goes fast and yeah is good to wait. Somethings are good to wait others are not but is life difficult you dont know whats next. Te good thing is to make right decissions, and continue on with life. Iam still waiting for many thing some of them is because i cannot get right now others because is just not the time. Paciencia. Everything has their time